Become fitter, faster, and stronger in less time wth the FTP Training CLUB

Damian Mason

- Senior Associate Coach -

What Does it Take to Reach Your Potential ? Commitment, dedication, sacrifice. The ability to touch your limit again and again and come back for more. We are here to teach you how to find this limit and go beyond.

With being both a multiple NSW Master Time trial champion and a former National Masters Road champion, combined with my knowledge of heart rate and power based training I feel I am well placed to offer my clients only the best possible guidance and support with their training needs regardless of level.

Damian's Rider Testimonials​

Fergus Sully

Under Damo’s expert guidance I’ve managed to reach new levels with my performance through well-structured, knowledge-based training. Without the help of Damo and the FTP training crew I would not have experienced the improvements I have across all facets of my riding. They know their stuff so it is easy to have confidence that each new program will bring further results.

Recent Blog Posts


Back in the saddle

It’s been a year or so since your last ride, a few more years since regular training and it feels like a lifetime since you were at your peak. Your bike kit no longer fits and a few too many extra bulges are visible around the waist line. You finally decide now is the time to get back in the saddle. Is it that simple?

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The Hard Road Part 5 websites

The Hard Road – Part 5 2010:Rock Bottom

In Part 5 my season had now become very specific, every race had purpose every session a meaning. My time trialling continues to improve but I would hit rock bottom in my quest to unlock road racing.

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