Become fitter, faster, and stronger in less time wth the FTP Training CLUB

FTP Training Questionnaire

Welcome to FTP Training! Questionnaire

(Pre-training risk factor questionnaire)

Welcome to FTP Training your pathway to improved performance and faster riding starts here. To get a better understanding of your health, fitness level, abilities we need to know certain details about you and your health/cycling/sporting history. Please answer the questions as truthfully as possible, as this will enable FTP Training to create the right training program for you. If you have any queries or questions when completing this questionnaire please contact us.

All the information provided is strictly confidential.

FTP Training Questionnaire

Basic Details

Do you have a Preferred Coach?

Social Media

We'd love to connect with you on social media to follow your progress. If you want to connect, add your profiles below, otherwise we can always connect on social media later.

General health & wellbeing

Are you in good health?

Is your physician aware of your sporting activities?

Physiology & Skills - Strengths & Weaknesses

Current Training

Please list hours and intensity or type of session completed, you might say “2 hours group ride chopping off full gas". This is for your typical training/racing week



Goal setting is vitally important to the process of training program development. Goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Framed. Take time to look at the calendar for the coming year and beyond and determine the events/races/goals for the year and your longer term goals based upon these principles. This can also be discussed with your FTP Training coach.


To go along with your goal setting please list your schedule for racing, holidays, and any breaks that you may have over a period for the next 6 - 12 months; listing the event, date, type of race, distance (or time) and level of importance.

The importance of the event can be noted as:

A = Main Goal race/event

B = Important/would like to do well

C = Not important, but, would like to participate in.

These goals will be developed in Today's Plan and listed as A, B or C importance.

Training Time Available

Please state the amount of time you have available to train. Please take the time to honestly evaluate your weekly schedule and the time you can commit to your training. Factor in Family, Work and Social commitments and try to not overestimate the time you have available.

Training time - yearly hours

Please take the average monthly hours you would normally ride and multiply by 12 months

Current Gear

You will need either a power meter or a heart rate monitor.

For information regarding these training tools please do not hesitate to contact your coach


FTP Training Program Waiver

All information is treated as confidential. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

I, hereby consent to engage voluntarily in exercise prescribed to me by FTP Training. I certify that I am currently in good health and that I have completed a Pre-Training Risk Factor Questionnaire and have provided correct and accurate responses to the questions on this form. I understand that the training program that I will undertake is strenuous and I acknowledge that participation in this training involves certain risks. I understand that by undertaking this training, I voluntarily assume these risks.

In consideration of my following a training program from FTP Training, I hereby release and forever discharge FTP Training, its management, partners, agents, contractors, associates and employees (whether acting within the scope of their employment or not) from any claims, demands or causes of action relating to or arising from my presence or participation in an FTP Training procedure, which may result in illness or injury to me or even death. I intend this release to bind my heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, personal representatives, and myself.

Whilst undertaking a FTP Training Program the client must hold a current Cycling Australia or Mountain Biking Australia Racing License. It is the responsibility of the client to maintain this currency at all times.

Do you agree and understand the FTP Training training program waiver

**NOTE: if you are under the age of 18, we will require you and your guardian sign the FTP Training Program Waiver attached in the below ‘Under 18 Training Waiver’ button. We will require a scanned copy sent to ‘[email protected]’ before we can commence.